APT Taipei Poker Classic 2024

APT Main Event - Day 3 - TWD 65,000,000 GTD

In The Money


62 / 1991

Next PrizeTWD 182K

Level 23: Blinds 10000-25000, 25000 ante


PostedJust nowby Life Of Poker - Gabby

Players are on a 15-minute break.

Level 23: Blinds 10000-25000, 25000 ante

Unlucky Seat #5

PostedJust nowby Life Of Poker - Gabby

Joshua McCully used to sit on Table #10 Seat #5 when he got eliminated by Zefirelli Noordin on Seat 7. We walked by Table 10 and felt déjà vu when we saw Noordin once again in all-in situation with the current occupier of Seat #5 Ka Ho Fung

Noordin 9♥ 9♦ Fung 8♥ 8♦

The board ran 6♠ 6♦ 3♠ 9♣ 8♣ giving Noordin a set on the turn busting Fung out of the tournament.

NameChip Count
Zefirelli Noordin490,000
Ka Ho Fung0
Level 23: Blinds 10000-25000, 25000 ante

Nitsche Holds the Big Slick

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Zoe

At feature table, Devid Berlin limped in from under the gun, and Dominik Nitsche three-bet to 100,000 from the hijack which Berlin called.

Both players saw 4♣ 9♥ 7♦ and checked through to see the 2♥ turn which Berlin bet 75,000, and Nitsche called. With the Kc sliding on the river, Berlin check-folded after Nitsche fired out chunky 325,000 chips.

Dominik Nitsche A♥ K♥

Devid Berlin 3♥ 3♦

Nitsche’s big slick received help on the river which would crush Berlin’s pocket three if he made the call.

This hand is 30 minutes delayed.

NameChip Count
Domink Nitsche2,300,000
Devid Berlin780,000
Level 23: Blinds 10000-25000, 25000 ante

Fan Forced to Fold

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Zoe

Chih Wei Fan raised to 50,000 on the button, and Zhanpeng Ma called from the big blind.

Ma checked the action to Fan on the 5♦ T♠ 2♦ flop, and Fan bet 25,000 which Ma raised to 90,000, making Fan muck the hand.

NameChip Count
Zhanpeng Ma800,000
Chih Wei Fan615,000
Level 23: Blinds 10000-25000, 25000 ante

Heesoo's Snowmen Not Good Enough

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Zoe

At the feature table, Im Heesoo shoved all in preflop from the button for 320,000, and Domink Nitsche called from the small blind.

Im Heesoo 8♠ 8♥

Domink Nitsche T♦ T♣

A clean board rolled off 3♠ 7♦ Q♠ J♣ 7♥, changing nothing for the snowmen from Heesoo whose tournament life just ended.

This hand is 30 minutes delayed.

NameChip Count
Domink Nitsche2,000,000
Im Heesoo0
Level 23: Blinds 10000-25000, 25000 ante

Lau Building Stack from Chan

PostedJust nowby Life Of Poker - Gabby

On Lap Chan immediately opened the action under-the-gun with 50,000. Everyone folded to the small blind Sio Fat Lau who made the call . Chi Ho Kevin Tse at big blind got out of the way for the dealer to flop 3♦ T♦ 8♣

Action passed back to the initial raiser who bet another 50,000. Lau paid the price to se the turn 6♦ and check-min-raised Chan who initially fired 100,000. Chan called but got a shove from Lau on the river 6♣. Chan folded.

Level 22: Blinds 10000-20000, 20000 ante

Woo Spikes a Ten

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Zoe

Dylan Foster

Dylan Foster

Dylan Foster raised to 50,000 from middle position and was called by Jung Hyun Woo from the big blind.

Both players saw the runout of 4♦ 7♦ 2♣ J♠ T♠ and checked through.

Foster folded his hand and said, “I knew it.,” after seeing Woo table T♥ 5♥ for a pair of tens.

NameChip Count
Jung Hyun Woo825,000
Dylan Foster640,000
Level 22: Blinds 10000-20000, 20000 ante

Quan Scoops Through Held

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Zoe

Nguyen Trung Quan opened to 40,000 on the button and was called by Konstantin Held from the big blind.

Held check-called on the 4♠ 8♥ 2♠ flop after Quan fired a barrel of 50,000.

A 9♦ slid on the turn, and Held checked the action to Quan who fired out 125,000 to which Held made the call. With a board-pairing 9♠ falling on the river, Quan fired 225,000 after Held checked. Held thought for a while and called.

Quan tabled suited K♠ T♠ for an unbeatable flush, making Held muck his cards.

NameChip Count
Konstantin Held2,100,000
Nguyen Trung Quan1,280,000
Level 22: Blinds 10000-20000, 20000 ante

Noordin Felts McCully This Time

PostedJust nowby Life Of Poker - Gabby

Josh McCully.jpg Joshua McCully

We got back to Table 10 after a few minutes and found Zefirelly Noordin once again in a showdown with Joshua McCully. McCully went all-in with mid-pockets 8♥ 8♦ and encountered Noordin with K♣ K♥.

The dealer dealt Q♦ 5♠ 4♣ A♠ 2♠ eliminating McCully in the process.

NameChip Count
Zefirelly Noordin500,000
Joshua McCully0
Level 22: Blinds 10000-20000, 20000 ante

Lei Out

PostedJust nowby Life Of Poker - Gabby

We arrived at the table with Yang Lei K♠ J♠ all-in for his tournament life against Gilsoo Kim 8♠ 5♣. The dealer dealt a flop of 5♠ 2♣ 8♥ giving Kim a two-pair on the flop. The A♣ turn made Lei stand up and start picking up his chips. He said his goodbyes to the table as the dealer dealt the 4♠ river.
