APT Jeju, South Korea 2024

APT High Roller - Final Day - KRW 650,000,000 GTD




Ting Yi Tsai

KRW 267M
Level 23: Blinds 30000-60000, 60000 ante

Tsai Doubles In the First Hand

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

APTJEJU_M_#76HRFD-142.jpg Eric Tsai doubles up

Hand 1 Eric Tsai raised to 120,000 from under-the-gun and Kai Yu three-bet from the button to 300,000. Tsai then shoved all in for 960,000 and Yu made the call.

Tsai A♦ K♥

Yu A♥ Q♥

The board was clean for Tsai as he flopped top two pair on the A♣ 2♠ K♠ 4♠ 2♦ board and doubled up in the first hand of the final table.

NameChip Count
Eric Tsai2,100,000
Kai Yu940,000