APT Taipei Poker Classic 2024

Superstar Challenge - Final Day




Chih Wei Fan

TWD 8.6M
Level 19: Blinds 25000-50000, 50000 ante

Fan Doubles Up

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

Wei Happy.jpg Chih Wei Fan

This time, Daniel Neilson woke up to A♦ A♣ in the hole on dealer button and opened for 100,000. Chih Wei Fan defended with Q♥ 6♣ to see a flop of 6♦ Q♦ 7♣ giving Fan a two-pair.

Fan checked the nuts letting Neilson lead to 80,000 after which Fan made a big raise of 280,000 and Neilson made the call. The 9♦ made Fan bet 200,000 and got raised by Neilson now with 16 outs to beat Fan's two-pair.

Wei jammed all-in and stood up when Neilson snap called. The river 8♣ doubled Fan up leaving Neilson with roughly 11 big blinds behind.

NameChip Count
Fan Chi Wei6,200,000
Daniel Neilson545,000