APT Taipei Poker Classic 2024

APT Main Event - Final Day - TWD 65,000,000 GTD




Rene Alexander Von Reden


Germany’s Rene Von Reden Stands Victorious in the Record Breaking APT Main Event 2024 for TWD 14,413,200 (~$449,070)

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

APTTPCM_#19MEFD-294.jpg Rene von Reden APT Main Event Champion

Rene von Reden from Germany was the last man standing at the TWD 50,000 APT Main Event taking home the top prize of TWD 14,413,200 (~$449,070), the largest live cash of his career. Attracting 1,991 entries, the event accumulated a total prize pool of TWD 86,011,200 (~USD 2,724,460), making it the biggest and the richest international poker event in Taiwan.

In an action-packed heads-up match, Von Reden defeated Abraham Ceesvin from Singapore who had been constantly at the top five of the chip lead since Day 3. Coming into the final table with the second shortest stack, Von Reden's built his stack little by little by throughout the final table finding spots to chip up.

Final 9 Payouts:

PlaceNameCountry/RegionPrize (TWD)Prize (USD)
1Rene Alexander Von RedenGermany14,413,200449,070
2Abraham Abdulla CeesvinSingapore7,930,000247,075
3Jae Wook ShinKorea, South5,488,000171,000
4Man Lok ChanMacau3,939,000122,700
5Dhanesh ChainaniSingapore3,270,000102,872
6Chih Wei FanTaiwan2,639,00083,021
7Sio Fat LauMacau2,021,00063,579
8Junichi HashimotoJapan1,424,00044,798
9Andy ChenCanada1,087,00034,196

Final Table Action

The first to leave the final table was Canada’s Andy Chen, who, coming into the final table with the shortest stack, tried to steal as much pots as he could. Without the stack to support his aggression, Chen was vanquished when he decided to jam with King-nine against Ceesvin’s Ace-Jack off-suit, which prevailed with neither player hitting the board. Chen went home with TWD 1,087,000 (~$34,196) for finishing in 9th place.

Finishing in 8th place with a cash prize of TWD 1,424,000 (~$44,798) was Junichi Hashimoto from Japan who succumbed in a battle of the blinds, holding pocket fives which was beaten by Chih Wei Fan’s Nine-eight suited, that eventually caught a straight on the flop.

Sio Fat Lau from Macau was felted by Jae Woo Shin’s Pocket fives when his Ace-Jack off-suit did not hit the board at all. For his 7th place finish, Lau took home TWD 2,021,000 (~$63,579) the largest live cash of his poker career.

Despite dominating Von Reden’s Ace-three off-suit with Big Slick, the APT Super Challenge Champion Chih Wei Fan from Taiwan got knocked out of the tournament when the German spiked a pair on the board. The newest Taiwanese poker legend walked off the final table stage with a cash prize of TWD 2,639,000 (~$83,021) for his 6th place finish.

Entering the final table as chip leader , Dhanesh Chainani from Singapore was beaten by Von Reden when the German completed a straight on the turn with his Ace-nine off-suit. Chainani exited the final table taking with him TWD 3,270,000 (~$102,872) for finishing 5th.

APTTPCM_#19MEFD-174.jpg Abraham Ceesvin Runner-Up

The battle of the final four was the longest in the final table with all players hanging on to be the victor of the tournament. After a long wait, the shortest stack Man Lok Chan from Macau was finally defeated by Ceesvin who with Nine-eight suited caught a two-pair on the board sending the Macanese to the rails with TWD 3,939,000 (~$122,700) at 4th place.

South Korean player Jae Wook Shin, who performed quite well during the final table with railbirds betting that he would win the tournament, busted out unable to pair up with his over cards Ace-Jack off against Ceesvin’s snowmen. Shin left the building claiming his 3rd place prize TWD 5,488,000 (~$171,000) on his way out.

Abraham Ceesvin, found himself in second place when, unaware of the trap he was about to fall into, jammed all-in with King-six having spiked a pair and a flush draw against Von Reden, who had a 2,5:1 chip lead when he caught a flush with Nine-deuce suited on the flop. Ceesvin went home with his biggest live cash earning TWD 7,930,000 (~$247,075) for being runner-up.

For a full list of payouts please Click here

There are two days left in the APT Taipei Poker Classic 2024. Stay tuned for more updates as we wrap up the biggest and richest international poker event in Taiwan.

Level 40: Blinds 600000-1200000, 1200000 ante

Rene von Reden wins the APT Main Event for TWD 14,413,200 (~$449,070)

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

Rene von Reden remains the last man standing at the APT Main Event for TWD 14,413,200 (~$449,070). Please come back shortly as a full tournament write-up is on the way.

Level 40: Blinds 600000-1200000, 1200000 ante

Abraham Ceesvin Has Been Eliminated in 2nd Place for TWD 7,930,000 (~$247,075)

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

APTTPCM_#19MEFD-256.jpg Abraham Ceesvin Eliminated in 2nd Place

At the button Abraham Ceesvin opened to 2,400,000 with K♣ 6♦. Rene von Reden rode along with 9♦ 2♦. Von Reden checked his flush draw on the flop of 7♦ K♦ 3♥ while Ceesvin bet his top pair with a 2,800,000 bet. Von Reden called to see the 3♦ turn.

Von Reden, trapping, checked once again. Ceesvin, sure enough, bet 4,500,000 now with a possible flush draw with his six. Von Reden raised to 12,000,000 and Ceesvin, falling for the trap, jammed his chips in. The German snap called in the hopes of becoming the last man standing. The river Q♦ ended the hand and eliminated Ceesvin in 2nd place.

Level 40: Blinds 600000-1200000, 1200000 ante

Chips Seesawing Between the Finalists

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

Rene von Reden completed on the button and got a check from Abraham Ceesvin. With T♣ 8♠ Ceesvin checked to Von Reden who bet his K♠ 8♦ on the flop of 7♥ K♦ 6♦. Ceeesvin called the bet to see if he could catch his gut-shot straight draw. The turn 5♥ gave both players an open-ender and was checked by both players. The A♥ was once again checked down and Von Reden took down the pot.

On another hand, Rene von Reden sitting on the button raised to 3,000,000 with A♦ 4♦ Ceesvin called with 8♣ 6♣ to see a flop of 9♦ 9♣ 8♠. The flop checked down, the turn 7♠ got a bet of 4,000,000 from Ceesvin and a quick fold from Von Reden.

Level 40: Blinds 600000-1200000, 1200000 ante

Ceesvin Tries to Decrease the Gap

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

APTTPCM_#19MEFD-173.jpg Abraham Ceesvin

Rene von Reden raised to 2,000,000 on the button with Q♣ 5♠ to be called by Abraham Ceesvin with T♠ 7♠. The flop came A♥ 3♣ 7♥ and got check-called by Ceesvin after a bet of 1,500,000 from Von Reden. The 8♥ got checked down to see a 3♥ river which also got a check-check. Ceesvin took down the pot.

A few hands after, Rene von Reden limped 5♥ 3♥ on the button to be raised by Abraham Ceesvin who picked up Big Chicks A♠ Q♣ in big blind. Von Reden decided to float. Ceesvin led out his top pair with 2,400,000 on a flop that ran A♣ 7♦ 6♠ Von Reden folded.

Level 39: Blinds 500000-1000000, 1000000 ante

Hockey Sticks Doubles Ceesvin Up

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

Rene von Reden went all-in with Q♥ 4♦ at the button. Abraham Ceesvin picking up 7♠ 7♥ snap called. Both sportsmen, the two players watched the dealer deal the board side by side and the board displayed 5♠ T♣ J♠ 6♥ T♠

Both players went back to their seats with Ceesvin double in chips.

Rene Alexander Von RedenGermany54,000,000
Abraham Abdulla CeesvinSingapore24,000,000
Level 39: Blinds 500000-1000000, 1000000 ante

Von Reden Chips at Ceesvin's Stack Further

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

Abraham Ceesvin completed at the button with K♣ 8♦. Rene von Reden with 5♠ 3♦ checked to see a flop of 3♠ :Jd 7♣. Both players checked the 2♠ but Von Reden value-bet the 7♦ and got called by Ceesvin. Von Reden took down the pot.

Immediately after that Von Reden picked up A♥ T♣ on the button and made quick business of it by going all-in. Ceesvin folded immediately.

Level 39: Blinds 500000-1000000, 1000000 ante

Von Reden Doubles Up

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

Abraham Ceesvin raised to 2,000,000 with T♥ 8♣ on the buttom. Rene von Reden called with J♦ 7♦. The flop unfurled to 9♠ J♥ 4♠. Checked to the button, Ceesvin bet 2,000,000 for his open-ender to be raised by the German to 5,200,00 for his top-pair.

Ceesvin made the call to see the turn of A♦. Checked to Ceesvin again, the Singaporean jammed. Von Reden threw a time bank card in, looking slightly disconcerted with the all-in he didn't expect. Eventually Von Reden made the call and evaded a possible straight with the river 6♦ and took down the pot.

Rene Alexander Von RedenGermany56,000,000
Abraham Abdulla CeesvinSingapore22,000,000
Level 39: Blinds 500000-1000000, 1000000 ante

Ceesvin With a 2:1 Chip Lead

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

Rene von Reden woke up to A♥ A♦ at the button and opened for 2,000,000. Abraham Ceesvin picked up 4♥ 4♦ but decide to fold the hand.

On the very next hand, Ceesvin raised to 2,000,000 with T♣ 9♦ and got a three-bet from Von Reden with A♠ 8♣. Ceesvin called.

Flop came down to Q♣ 9♠ J♦ giving Ceesvin a pair and an open ended straight draw. Von Reden led with 2,500,000 and Ceesvin called again. The turn 4♥ didn't change the situation and got a check-check from both players.

The K♠ gave Ceesvin the straight but not knowing what Singaporean has, the German continued his aggression and fired 7,200,000. Ceesvin threw in a time bank card and eventually raised to 15,000,000. Von Reden immediately folded placing Ceesvin in a 2:1 chip lead.

Abraham Abdulla CeesvinSingapore52,000,000
Rene Alexander Von RedenGermany27,000,000
Level 39: Blinds 500000-1000000, 1000000 ante

Von Reden Takes the Lead

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Gabby

Abraham Ceesvin completed the blind at the button with 7♦ 6♣ and Rene von Reden checked after with 9♦ 8♣. Flop came down A♠ 5♥ 9♠ giving Von Reden a pair and Ceesvin a gut-shot straight draw. Checked to Ceesvin, the Singaporean shot out 1,000,000 and got called.

The turn J♣ had the same action from both players where Von Reden check-called Ceesvin's bet of 2,700,000. Both players slowed down on the river of 6♥ and Von Reden took the pot down

Rene Alexander Von RedenGermany45,000,000
Abraham Abdulla CeesvinSingapore33,000,000