APT Incheon, South Korea 2023

APT Main Event - KRW 1,300,000,000 GTD - Flight C (30 mins)

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Shoichiro Tamaki

KRW 271M

China's Zhanghui Yu Tops Flight C of APT Incheon Main Event

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

Chipleader - Zhanghui Yu.jpg Zhanghui Yu

Flight C of the APT Main Event attracted 156 entries (137 unique) and it was China's Zhanghui Yu who came out on top of the 85 survivors with 184,100 chips. The Chinese player has only one APT cash under his belt after finishing tenth in the APT Kickoff earlier this series. The cumulative total for entries in the Main Event sits at 586, which excludes online entries, with Flight D still to play out.

Jun Hao Wu bought into the flight late but still managed to bag up a stack of 138,700 which is good for sixth in the counts. Wu won the Superstar Challenge earlier in the week for a career-best score of KRW 177,660,000 (~$134,130) which was his second APT title after he took down a Single Day High Roller event earlier in the year at the APT Summer Series Hanoi.

Jeffrey Lo brings through a respectable stack of 138,400 which put him seventh on the flight's leaderboard. Hong Kong's Lo won his first APT title earlier this series in a Limit 2-7 & Badugi - Triple Draw event that saw him take home KRW 3,488,400 for his victory and the baby lion trophy.

APTIncheon2023_Event24_FlightC_072.jpg Daiki Shingae

It's no surprise to see that Daiki Shingae found a bag for Day 2 after he ended the day with 72,200 chips. The Japanese player finished third in the Main Event at the APT Summer Series Da Nang for a career-best score of VND 1,736,590,000 (~$72,940).

Malaysia's Chun Keat Liu finished the day ninth in the counts and will bring 127,200 chips into Day 2. Liu has over $740,000 in live tournament cashes but amazingly a first live title still eludes the Malaysian player.

Other notables to make it through were Bojan Berberovic (127,500), Christopher Park (125,700), Aleksei Varashev (93,800), and John Tech (61,800).

The top ten stacks can be found below.

1Zhanghui YuChina184,100
2Peerathat SukpaisarnThailand180,300
3Yuya OmodaJapan148,300
4Yosuke TakagiJapan145,900
5Kazuhiro ShirazawaJapan141,400
6Jun Hao WuSingapore138,700
7Jeffrey Kuen Wai LoHong Kong138,400
8Bojan BerberovicSerbia127,500
9Chun Keat LiuMalaysia127,200
10Christopher Young ParkUnited States125,700

A full APT Main Event Flight C Survivor List can be found by CLICKING HERE.

Flight D of the Main Event got underway at 6pm local time and registration will remain open until 11:30pm.

This live reporting blog is brought to you by Life of Poker.


Write-Up Coming Shortly

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

A full write-up of the day's action will follow shortly.

Level 10: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Jeffrey Lo Wins An Important Pot

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Joris

Two hands before we are going to wrap up Flight C, we saw Jeffrey Lo called a preflop all-in by Shion Ogawa. We were off to the races as Lo showed A♣ K♣ and Ogawa tabled J♥ J♣.

The board ran out 9♠ 3♦ K♥ 3♠ 2♣ giving Lo a pair of kings. The Hong Kong poker professional sent Ogawa to the rail while finishing the day with an above-average stack.

NameChip Counts
Jeffrey Lo136,000
Shion Ogawa0
Level 10: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Last Six Hands

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

The tournament director has announced that six more hands will be played before the survivors bag up their chips for Day 2.

Level 10: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Thailand's Sukpaisarn Wins the Flip For the Chip Lead

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Joris

Yours truly missed the hand, but was called over Yinan Zhou to tell us what happened.

The biggest pot of this Flight C has just taken place on Table 41 between Thailand's Peerathat Sukpaisarn and Japan's Tomoya Yamada.

Sukpaisarn opened the action to 4,000 and saw the action get folded to Yamada. The Japanese then decided to jam all in for over 80 big blinds for around 100,000! After the other players went out of the way, Sukpaisarn had a massive decision. The Thai played around 130,000 and called off Yamada's jam!

Yamada showed pocket queens while Sukpaisarn showed ace-king. The flop brought a king and the turn and river were bricks. Thailand's Sukpaisarn is the massive chip leader, with only 15 minutes on the clock for this flight. Yamada has been eliminated.

NameChip Counts
Peerathat Sukpaisarn238,000
Tomoya Yamada0
Level 10: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Saisilp Gets a Late KO

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

Thailand's Nutthapath Saisilp has just knocked out Hyo Joon Ko from the Main Event after the two got the chips in preflop.

Saisilp A♦ 7♠

Ko A♣ 6♥

Ko was hoping for a six or a chop but they both seemed unlikely on the Q♠ K♥ 2♦ flop. No help would come on the later streets as the 3♣ and Q♦ filled out the board which eliminated Ko.

NameChip Count
Nutthapath Saisilp65,000
Hyo Joon Ko0
Level 10: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Last Level of Play

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

Into the last level play here in Flight C of the APT Main Event and we have a clear chip leader!

Full story to come...

Level 9: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Nakajima Check-Folds Flop

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

Shion Ogawa opened to 2,500 and was called by both Ngo Yat Siu and Takashi Nakajima. Chi Ho King Lai then three-bet to 12,000 from the big blind with only Nakajima making the call.

The flop came down K♣ 3♣ 8♦ and Nakajima check-folded to a bet of 11,000 from Lai.

NameChip Count
Chi Ho King Lai80,000
Takashi Nakajima45,000
Level 9: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Ota Flops Trips and Takes Chip Lead

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

M_M04921.jpg Tuyoshi Ota

A huge hand just played out that resulted in three players being all in on the flop.

Joseph Talamayan had raised to 2,500 and Jiafu Liu had made the call before Tuyoshi Ota three-bet to 11,000. Waku Harako then min four-bet to 20,000 which Talamayan called after some time in the tank. Liu then folded but Harako made the call to see a flop.

The dealer fanned a flop of K♦ K♥ 8♥ and Harako shoved all in for around 70,000 and Talamayan made the call for his last 25,000. It was now on Ota who didn't have a difficult decision as he shrugged his shoulders and made a quick call to create a three-way all-in situation.

Harako T♥ T♦

Talamayan J♥ J♠

Ota A♣ K♠

A dream flop for Japan's Ota who had both of his opponents drawing to just two outs each after he had flopped trips.

The 3♦ turn changed nothing and neither did the 2♦ river which meant Ota took down a huge pot which eliminated Talamayan and made a huge dent in the stack of Harako.

NameChip Count
Tuyoshi Ota150,000
Waku Harako30,000
Joseph Talamayan0
Level 8: Blinds 500-1000, 1000 ante

Enoki Runs Into the Jiggities

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Joris

We picked up the action on the flop between Tetsuya Enoki and Ynan Zhou. After a flop off 9♠ 5♣ 3♠ Enoki checks his option to Zhou who fired 4,500. Enoki now raised to 18,500 and immediately all chips of Zhou went into the middle, and Enoki was not going anywhere.

Enoki: A♠ 6♠.

Zhou: J♠ J♦.

Enoki flopped a nut flush draw and was battling Zhou's pocket jiggities. The Q♦ on the turn meant no help for Enoki who was still looking for any spade or ace. Enoki's elimination was inevitable when the 2♦ appeared. Enoki no more.

NameChip Counts
Ynan Zhou98,000
Tetsuya Enoki0