APT Phu Quoc, Vietnam 2023

APT Super High Roller - 8 Max Day 1

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Nguyen Trung Quan

VND 1.2B
Level 18: Blinds 25000-50000, 50000 ante

Anarbayasgalan Sainjargal Leads the Final 8 in the APT Super High Roller

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

APT Super High Roller chip leader Anarbayasgalan Sainjargal.jpg

Anarbayasgalan Sainjargal is sitting very comfortably after ending the day as chip leader in the APT Super High roller.

Sainjargal ended the day with 2,780,000 chips from a starting stack of 250,000. He seemed to fly under the radar and gradually build his stack without drawing too much attention to himself. Whatever his strategy, it has paid off very nicely for the Mongolian who is in a prime position to make a run at the Super High Roller Title.

Yake Wu slots behind Sainjargal in 2nd with a stack of 2,515,000. Wu won a big pot when his A♠ K♦ out flopped the J♣ J♥ of Xiaochun Shi which put him on the road to the final table.

Another notable name on the final table is China's, Hon Cheong Lee. Lee came 9th in the kick-off event here in Phu Quoc and has a healthy stack of 2,180,000 in the Super High Roller event.

Mike Takayama has been involved a lot today and he sits with 1,090,000 in chips. He won a flip with 7♥ 7♣ on the final table bubble by rivering a set against the flopped top pair of Yuhang Chen.

In last but certainly not least place there is Shardul Parthasarathi with 630,000 chips. Parthasarathi's stack seemed to yo-yo throughout the day but he has found himself on the final table and in contention for the Super High Roller title.

The payouts for the final table have been published and you can see them below.

1st₫1,303,680,000 ($56,000)
2nd₫943,000,000 ($40,500)
3rd₫608,380,000 ($26,160)
4th₫460,630,000 ($19,800)
5th₫356,340,000 ($15,322)
6th₫278,120,000 ($11,960)
7th₫221,630,000 ($9,530)
8th₫173,820,000 ($7,474)

Join us tomorrow at 12.30 pm local time to see who will be crowned this year's APT Super High Roller Champion.

Level 18: Blinds 25000-50000, 50000 ante

Roman Hrabec Busts Yilu Yuan to Burst the Bubble

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Yilu Yuan got the last of his chips in with A♥ T♥ and was called by the 7♠ 7♦ of Roman Hrabec.

The board ran out 3♦ 6♣ 8♣ Q♠ K♣ and for the 2nd time on this final table, pocket sevens have held in a flip.

Hrabec adds to his stack but most importantly bursts the bubble in the Super High Roller event.

Roman Hrabec.jpg

The remaining 8 players will come back tomorrow to battle it out for the ₫4,345,600,000 (~$186,860) prize pool.

Level 18: Blinds 25000-50000, 50000 ante

Mike Takayama Hits the River to Stay Alive

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Action fold pre-flop to Yuhang Chen who raised the button to 100,000. Mike Takayama was in the big blind and decided now was the time to risk his last 520,000 chips on the stone cold bubble of the Super High Roller.

Chen didn't take too long before making the call and attempting to bust Takayama and burst the bubble.

Chen showed A♣ T♠ whilst Takayama flipped over 7♥ 7♣.

The flop came A♠ 9♣ 6♥ which put Takayama miles behind and at risk of bubbling.

The turn T♦ added some gutshot outs for Takayama who would need a 7 or an 8 to survive.

The river 7♠ really was a seven from heaven for Mike Takayama and he doubles up to well over 1,000,000 chips.

We play on with 9 players still in and only 1 player to go until the money.

Level 18: Blinds 25000-50000, 50000 ante

Hon Cheong Lee Wins a Big One With Two Pair

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Hon Cheong Lee got involved in a sizable pot with Yilu Yuan.

Yuan limped the small blind before Lee raised to 140,000 from the big blind at 20,000/40,000/40,000. Yuan called and we saw a flop.

The Q♥ 9♣ 2♦ fell and Yuan started with a check, Lee bet 80,000 and Yuan called.

A scary A♥ dropped on the turn and Yuan checked once more only for Lee to bet 250,000 this time. Yuan called once again and we went to a river.

The J♣ completed the board and both players checked their option.

Yuan showed A4 for top pair but Lee showd J♠ 2♠ for a rivered 2 pair and a pretty sizable pot was pushed his way much to the frustration of Yuan.

Level 17: Blinds 20000-40000, 40000 ante

Hrabec Gets the KO

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Roman Hrabec has eliminated to edge us within 2 of the money in the Super High Roller.

John Perry got the last of his stack in the middle with A♣ 8♠ and was called by Roman Hrabec who had 5♣ 5♠.

The board ran Q♦ 2♠ 2♣ 3♦ 7♣ which was clean for Hrabec and the 1,000,000 chip pot was pushed his way.

Perry finishes the Super High Roller in 11th place.

Level 17: Blinds 20000-40000, 40000 ante

Super High Roller Chip Counts

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

The latest round of chip counts from the Super High Roller event.

NameCountryChip Count
Yuhang ChenChina2,050,000
Nguyen Trung QuanVietnam1,500,000
John PerryAustralia1,400,000
Roman HrabecCzech Republic1,150,000
Yake WuChina875,000
Hon Cheong LeeChina750,000
Joshua Curtis MccullyAustralia680,000
Level 16: Blinds 15000-30000, 30000 ante

Haoqi Xie Knocked Out in 13th Place

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Haoqi Xie has been knocked out of the APT Super High Roller event.

Xie got the last of his stack in 4-way with K♥ 7♥ and was called by 3 other players.

On a board of 7♣ 9♣ T♣ 2♥ T♥ it was the T♠ 6♠ of Hon Cheong Lee who delivered the final blow to Xie.

12 players remain!

Level 16: Blinds 15000-30000, 30000 ante

APT Super High Roller Report

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

14 players remain in this year's Super Higher Roller.

We are playing down the money which is 8 players. Once we reach 8 players the clock will be stopped and the final table will resume tomorrow at 12.30 pm local time. The players will then battle it for the ₫4,345,600,000 (~$186,860) prize pool.

14,000,000 chips are in play with an average of 1,000,000 chips. That's easy math, for once.

Level 14: Blinds 10000-20000, 20000 ante

Liu's Full House Earns Him a Double Up

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Yang Liu got his last 165,000 in the middle with the best starting hand in all of poker. He was called by Anarbayasgalan Sainjargal who had pocket 8s.

Liu's Aces made a boat which was enough to earn him the pot and a stack of around 375,000.

Level 14: Blinds 10000-20000, 20000 ante

Takayama Doubles Through Battur

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Mike Takayama of the Philippines has just doubled up through Enkh-Orgil Battur of Mongolia.

The Filipino got in his last 265,000 with Q♥ T♥ and was called by Battur with A♥ 4♥.

Hearts were covered by Battur so Takayama needed a helpful runout and he got it with the 5♠ 3♣ T♠ 9♦ 7♦ board.

Takayama now has around 560,000 chips.
