APT Phu Quoc, Vietnam 2023

APT Main Event - VND 10,000,000,000 GTD Flight D (30 mins)

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Jacque Patrick Ramsden

VND 2.3B
Level 10: Blinds 700-1400, 1400 ante

Duy Anh Nguyen Tops Flight D of The APT Main Event

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Duh Anh Nguyen 2.jpg Duy Anh Nyugen

The fourth and final Flight of the ₫30,000,000 + 3,000,000 APT Main Event saw 60 entrants (48 unique) battle it out for a place on Day 2. A total of 30 players made it through Flight D to join the 179 survivors from the first three Flights. This gives us a provisional total of 209 players that have progressed. This number can, and most probably will, still grow as players can register before Day 2 begins.

After ten 30-minute levels, it was Vietnam's own Duy Anh Nguyen who finished top of the Flight by bagging up a stack worth 252,000 chips. Nguyen had earlier knocked out Indian player Ritwik Khanna when his flopped straight was too good for the top pair of Khanna.

South Korean player Sungkyu Jeon takes through 233,300 chips into Day 2 and will join fellow South Koreans Wanghee Lee and Seok Hyeon Park in the top ten stacks. Jeon won a huge pot against Australia's Seyed Javad Sedigh when he got three streets of value with pocket queens against the pocket fives of Sedigh. That pot propelled him towards the top of the leaderboard where he would remain for the rest of the Flight.

Joshua Curtus Mccully, who won a huge pot at the end of the night, finished the Flight in third and brings through 231,400 chips into Day 2. In the last hand dealt to the players, Mccully flopped bottom set and got all the money in against Huynh Ngoc Cuong who couldn't fold pocket queens.

Dinh Tien.jpg Dinh Tien Thanh

Dinh Tien Thanh also brings a healthy stack into Day 2 as he bagged 125,300. Thanh held an above-average stack throughout most of the Flight and will look to maintain that over the course of Day 2.

Russian player Viktor Zhuchkov had an eventful day with his stack yo-yoing up and down until he finally bagged 61,200. Zhuchkov doubled up late when he turned the nut flush against the top pair of Zou Zhi Guang.

Other notables to make it through were Motoyoshi Okamura with 110,400, Roman Hrabec with 88,400, and Australian professional Dylan Wayne Foster with 48,000.

Day 2 of the APT Main Event will start at 12 pm local time tomorrow and live updates can be found here. There will also be a feature table that will be live-streamed with a 30-minute delay. You can tune into the live stream by following the channels below:




Join us tomorrow to see who has what it takes build a stack and secure a place in Day 3.

Level 10: Blinds 700-1400, 1400 ante

Giant Pot For Mccully

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Mccully.jpg Joshua Curtus Mccully

On a flop of 5♣ J♣ 9♦ both Joshua Curtus Mccully and Huynh Ngoc Cuong got it all in.

Cuong held Q♦ Q♣ for an overpair to the board but Mccully had flopped bottom set with the 5♥ 5♠. The pot had bloated to around 230,000 and both players wanted to win it.

Cuong, who just knocked out Hai An Nguyen, was in a world of trouble and needed one of the last two remaining queens in the deck to save his Main Event stack.

The turn bought the 6♣ and Mccully was one card away from becoming one of the chip leaders for this Flight. Cuong had one more chance to hit a queen otherwise he was out.

The river fell a 6♥ giving Mccully a full house and securing him the huge pot. Cuong exits the tournament on the very last hand of the evening.

That's got to feel rough.

Level 10: Blinds 700-1400, 1400 ante

Nguyen Out

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

After recently reporting about the stack of Hai An Nguyen, she unfortunately just busted from the Main Event with only 15 minutes left of Flight D.

Nguyen opened to 3,600 pre-flop and was called by Lex Maurice Carol Malortigue. Huynh Ngoc Cuong then 3-bet shoved his entire stack covering the other two players in the hand. Nguyen called off the all-in and Malortigue folded.

Nguyen 4♥ 4♠.

Cuong K♣ Q♣

The flop looked great for Cuong as it fell T♦ J♣ Q♥ giving him top pair and an open-ended straight draw. Nguyen would need a four only to improve to three-of-a-kind and win the pot. The turn A♣ gave Cuong a straight and left Nguyen with only three chop-outs. The river 9♦ gave the pot to Cuong and Nguyen was eliminated.

Level 10: Blinds 700-1400, 1400 ante

Khanna KO'd

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Khanna.jpg Ritwik Khanna

Ritwik Khanna was just knocked out from the Main Event in the last level of play. Khanna 3-bet shoved his last 12,000 into 3 players who both called giving the Indian player a chance to more than triple up.

The flop came Q♠ 9♣ J♣ and Duy Anh Nguyen bet which made the others players fold.

Khanna must have felt confident when he turned over A♣ Q♦ for top pair top kicker but Nguyen had flopped a straight with K♦ T♣. The 4♠ turn meant Khanna was drawing dead and he was eliminated.

Level 10: Blinds 700-1400, 1400 ante

Hai An Nguyen

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Hai An Nguyen.jpg Hai An Nguyen

Hai An Nguyen is the last remaining female in Flight D. She currently has around 40,000 chips which was the starting stack for this event.

Level 10: Blinds 700-1400, 1400 ante

Last Level of Flight D

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Players have entered the last level of the day. Whoever survives this level will progress into Day 2 which will commence tomorrow.

Level 9: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Tran's Flush KO's Narangerel

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Narangerel.jpg Tumuujin Narangerel

On a flop of T♥ 2♦ 5♥ two players got their stacks in.

Duc Hang Tran held an over and a flush draw with A♥ 6♥ while his opponent, Tumuujin Narangerel had top pair with T♠ 8♠.

Tran got the instant service he desired when the Q♥ fell on the turn giving him the nuts. The 3♣ completed the board to KO Narangerel and boost Tran's stack to around 150,000.

Level 8: Blinds 500-1000, 1000 ante

Huge Pot For Jeon

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

NZO09856.jpg Seyed Javad Sedigh

Sungkyu Jeon opened the action with a raise to 2,500 and was called by Seyed Javad Sedigh. The player to his left, Duy Anh Nguyen. 3-bet squeezed to 9,000 and both Jeon and Sedigh called to see a flop.

3♦ 3♣ J♣.

Both Jeon and Sedigh checked to Nguyen who bet 10,000. Once again, Jeon and Sedigh called and all three players went to a turn card.


Jeon checked like he had done on the previous two betting rounds only for Sedigh to take the lead and bet 30,000. Nguyen went into the tank and with another player still to act behind, decided to fold. Jeon called and the river card was dealt.


Jeon didn't waste any time in open-jamming this river card for 44,000 which made Sedigh think, and think, and think. Almost 3 minutes passed before Sedigh finally slid chips forward to make the call.

Jeon showed Q♥ Q♣ and Sedigh stared at the ceiling before pushing his cards forward into the muck. The other players at the table wanted to see what Sedigh called with so asked the dealer to turn the cards over, and she obliged. Sedigh had the 5♣ 5♠ and called the South Korean down light.

A huge pot for Jeon with just two levels left to play.

NameCountryChip Count
Sungkyu JeonSouth Korea205,000
Seyed Javad SedighAustralia20,000
Level 8: Blinds 500-1000, 1000 ante

Zhuchkov Doubles

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Zhuchkov (1).jpg Viktor Zhuchkov

Viktor Zhuchkov got his last 24,800 chips in pre-flop and was called by China's Zou Zhi Guang.

Zhuchkov held A♣ Q♣ and was crushing the K♦ Q♠ of Guang.

The flop came 4♦ K♣ 8♣ giving Guang top pair and putting him in the driving seat. Zhuchkov did have outs though, he had flopped a flush draw and still had a live over card that he could hit to win the pot.

The turn T♣ sealed the pot for Zhuchkov giving him the unbeatable nut flush and doubling the Russian up to around 50,000.

Level 8: Blinds 500-1000, 1000 ante

Anh 4-Bet Rips

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker

Nguyen Tuan Anh.jpg Nguyen Tuan Anh

Nguyen Tuan Anh open to 2,000 with blinds at 500/1000/1000 and was 3-bet by Sungkyu Jeon of South Korea to 4,500. The action folded back to Anh who decided the time was now to risk his entire stack and shoved for 29,900.

The price was too much for Jeon who folded his hand, giving Anh the pot.
