APT Summer Series Da Nang, Vietnam 2023

APT Kickoff - Final Day - VND 1,500,000,000 GTD

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Chan Kien

VND 546M

Chan Kien is the Champion in the VND 10,000,000 APT Kickoff for VND 545,540,000 (~$23,140)

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Tim

APTSSDN_KFD_Winner_Kien Chan-5.jpg Chan Kien

The VND 10,000,000 APT Kickoff has been won by Chan Kien of Singapore. Kien finished on top of 317 entrants (156 unique) taking home VND 545,540,000 (~$23,140) and the APT lion trophy. Kien was against China's Yongfu Dong in a heads up match which saw Kien emerge victorious.

The final table was where most of the VND 2,767,410,000 (~USD $117,250) prize pool was divided.

NZO00985.jpg (Back Left) Kiwanont Sukhum, Le Manh Hung, Nicolaus Edwin Wijaya, Chan Kien, (Front Left) Lim Boon Chye, Leroy Fan, Yongfu Dong, Tran Huy Hoang, Vivek Singh

PlaceNameCountryPrize (VND)Prize (USD)
1Chan KienSingapore545,540,00023,140
2Yongfu DongChina346,560,00014,700
3Tran Huy HoangVietnam259,780,00011,020
4Lim Boon ChyeMalaysia210,230,0008,920
5Nicolaus Edwin WijayaIndonesia165,720,0007,015
6Leroy FanIreland126,530,0005,360
7Vivek SinghIndia92,940,0003,940
8Le Manh HungVietnam68,300,0002,895
9Kiwanont SukhumThailand55,990,0002,370

Day 2 started with 45 players who managed to find a bag from the previous day, and it was Vietnam's own Tran Huy Hoang who led the pack when play got underway.

It took six thirty-minute levels to reach the final table with Armon Van Wijk (33rd), Nguyen Trung Quan (31st), Robert Nemeskeri-Kiss (25th), and Linh Duong Ngo (18th) being some of the notable players that didn't make it.

Eliminations came quickly when only two tables remained with Chirag Sodha (12th), Johnny Ka Tsun Luk (11th), and Grant Gardner (10th) being eliminated in the same level creating our final table.

Hoang who had been the chip leader for the entirety of Day 2 was the one pushing the action, that was until getting caught in a brave attempted bluff against Lim Boon Chye who called the turn and river with just ace high.

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Level 27 proved to be the start of Kiens journey to lifting the lion trophy as he knocked out Thailand's Kiwanont Sukhum in ninth. Sukhum couldn't hold with two pair against the flush draw of Kien and he collected VND 55,990,000 (~$2,370) for his final table appearance.

Not long after that the short stacked Le Manh Hung got all in against Chye, Hung was in great shape with his pocket queens up against the ace-four of Chye, a rivered ace for Chye and Hung was left with his head in hands and exiting the table in eighth, he earned VND 68,300,000 (~$2,895).

After outlasting the short stacks and earning a few pay jumps Vivek Singh of India was next to fall in seventh. He got it all in with just seven-high against the ace-queen of Hoang and failed to improve collecting VND 92,940,000 (~$3,940) for his efforts.

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Leroy Fan had been waiting for the elimination of Singh before deciding when to pick his spot, unfortunately for him he 3-bet all in against the aces of Chye. A nine fell on the flop and the crowd around the table let out an "Ooooooo", but it was not supposed to be for Fan as the aces held up and Fan was out in sixth claiming VND 126,530,000 (~$5,360)

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Coming into the final table last in chips with around 180,000 was the Indonesian Nicolaus Edwin Wijaya. He had picked his spots well and got all in against the eventual champion Kien, Wijaya had top pair and a flush draw against the over card and gut shot of Kien. But a rivered ten gave Kien top pair and the knockout. Wijaya exited jubilantly picking up VND 165,720,000 (~$7,015) for that impressive performance.

Chye was next to fall as he unfortunately lost two back to back hands to Dong, the first he moved all in with jack-ten suited on the button into the two shorter stacks. Dong picked up ace-jack and made the call, a clean run out saw Chye left with just five big blinds, he moved all in the direct hand after with queen-ten but Dong called once again, this time with king-nine. Another clean runout for Dong and Chye was out in fourth for VND 210,230,000 (~$8,920)

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Coming third and recieving the bronze medal was the overnight Vietnamese chip leader Houang. He was the shortest stack and got it all in good when his ace-nine went up against the king-queen of Kien, a king in the window was enough to send Hoang to the showers picking up VND 259,780,000 (~$11,020) along the way.

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Going into the heads up duel Kien held a slight chip lead. After to just ten minutes of heads up play Dong was put to a decision for all his chips on the turn when Kien had moved all in over Dong's bet. Dong used his time extensions but eventually called to be shown a straight by Kien who had the trophy virtually in his grasp. Dong couldn't improve to a full house and he had to settle for second place and VND 346,560,000 (~$14,700).

The two shook hands as Kien took the trophy and became the APT Kickoff champion.

To see a full list of Day 2's payouts and finishing positions click HERE

Join us tomorrow for the final day of the Mystery Bounty Hunter and see who will pull the biggest bounty! The action kicks off at 12:15pm local time and live updates will be posted right here.

Level 29: Blinds 50000-100000, 100000 ante

Yongfu Dong Has Been Eliminated in 2nd Place for VND 346,560,000 (~$14,700)

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Tim

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Yongfu Dong Has Been Eliminated in 2nd Place for VND 346,560,000 (~$14,700)

On a board showing 4♠ 8♥ 5♠ 6♥ Dong had bet 600,000 and Chan Kien had moved all in covereing Dong. He didn't like it but eventually after using a few time extensions Dong made the call and the cards were revealed

Kien 7♥ 5♣

Dong 8♣ 6♠

Dong needed a miracle river to become an overwhelming chip leader, but the river came the A♥ and Dong was out in second, whilst Kien became the champion.

A full tournament write up will follow.

Level 29: Blinds 50000-100000, 100000 ante

Heads Up Chip Counts

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Tim

Going into heads up play here is a look at the chip counts of the two players

1Chan Kien5,600,000
2Yongfu Dong3,500,000
Level 29: Blinds 50000-100000, 100000 ante

Tran Huy Hoang Has Been Eliminated in 3rd Place for VND 259,780,000 (~$11,020)

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Tim

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Tran Huy Hoang Has Been Eliminated in 3rd Place for VND 259,780,000 (~$11,020)

As the start of day chip leader Hoang did well to maintain the chip lead until five players were left. In his final hand of the tournament Hoang was last in chips with 1,300,000 and got it all in pre flop against Chan Kien.

Kien K♠ 9♠

Hoang A♥ 8♦

The flop was disatorous for Hoang as it fell 2♠ 6♦ K♥

The turn came the 4♦ and the river a T♦ which sent Hoang to the rail and now the tournament was down to the final two players.

Level 29: Blinds 50000-100000, 100000 ante

Gabriel Boon Chye Lim Eliminated in 4th Place for VND 210,230,000 (~$8,920)

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Tim

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Gabriel Boon Chye Lim has Been Eliminated in 4th Place for VND 210,230,000 (~$8,920)

Lim was the shortest stack when he was first to act and moved all in for 500,000. Yongfu Dong moved all in as well is was the Malaysian at risk.

Lim Q♥ T♥

Dong K♠ 9♠

The board ran out clean for Dong 7♦ 6♠ 6♥ 7♠ 4♦ and now there were three left.

Level 29: Blinds 50000-100000, 100000 ante

Top Four Payouts

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Tim

With four players remaining here is a look at what they are playing for, along with the prestigious trophy

PlacePrize (VND)Prize (~USD)
Level 28: Blinds 40000-80000, 80000 ante

Nicolaus Edwin Wijaya Has Been Eliminated in 5th Place for VND 165,720,000 (~$7,015)

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Tim

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Nicolaus Edwin Wijaya Has Been Eliminated in 5th Place for VND 165,720,000 (~$7,015)

The flop was showing 6♠ 8♥ 5♠ and Chan Kien had bet 500,000. Wijaya moved all in for just over 1,500,000. Kien didn't think for long before making the call.

Wijaya Q♠ 8♠

Kien T♠ 7♥

The safe 6♣ made it look likely Wijaya would go from the shortest stack when the final table started to the new chip leader with five left.

But the T♦ fell and Wijaya was sent to the showers, he left with a huge smile on his face after such a deep run.

Level 28: Blinds 40000-80000, 80000 ante

Leroy Fan Has Been Eliminated in 6th Place for VND 126,530,000 (~$5,360)

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Tim

NZO00916.jpg Leroy Fan

Leroy Fan Has Been Eliminated in 6th Place for VND 126,530,000 (~$5,360)

Fan was the new short stack and got his chips all in pre-flop against Lim Boon Chye

Fan T♦ 9♦

Chye A♠ A♣

There was a bit of a sweat on a flop of 5♠ 6♠ 9♥, but the turn Q♠ and river 3♦ sealed the elimination of Fan.

Level 28: Blinds 40000-80000, 80000 ante

Vivek Singh Has Been Eliminated in 7th Place for VND 92,940,000 (~$3,940)

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Tim

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Vivek Singh Has Been Eliminated in 7th Place for VND 92,940,000 (~$3,940)

Short stacked Singh got his remaining chips in preflop against Tran Huy Hoang

Hoang A♠ Q♣

Singh 7♦ 5♠

The board ran out A♣ 4♠ T♥ 7♣ K♣ and Singh was out in seventh, Hoang adding to his stack nicely.

Level 28: Blinds 40000-80000, 80000 ante

Chip Counts

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Tim

As the blinds increase here is a a look at the chip counts of the remaining seven players.

1Gabriel Boon Chye Lim2,000,000
2Tran Huy Hoang1,550,000
3Chan Kien700,000
4Yongfu Dong1,300,000
5Nicolaus Edwin Wijaya400,000
6Leroy Fan500,000
7Vivek Singh200,000
8Le Manh Hung0
9Kiwanont Sukhum0