APT Taipei, Taiwan 2023

APT Main Event - TWD 30,000,000 GTD - Flight C (30 mins)

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Jerome Finck Leads Flight C of the APT Main Event

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kwun


The APT Taipei Main Event Flight C is a wrap! A total of 131 players out of the 251 entries bagged for day two, which starts tomorrow at 12:00pm. The chip leader of this flight is Jerome Finck from France, the only player who surpassed 200,000 chip mark. The next four spots on the leaderboard are dominated by players from South Korea.

The top ten stacks are as follows:

PosFull NameCountryChip Counts
1Jerome FinckFrance255,600
2Hogeun KimSouth Korea198,800
3Dongkyu KimSouth Korea198,200
4Jung Ho ImSouth Korea191,600
5Beabsu KimSouth Korea177,500
6Nguyen Huu DungVietnam175,000
7Soo Bum KimSouth Korea174,100
8Hok Hei NgaiHong Kong161,300
9Yoshikazu FujitaJapan159,200
10Adam KharmanAustralia158,800

Sitting sixth on the list is Vietnamese pro Nguyen Huu Dung who has two APT titles in his belt. The Vietnamese veteran will be looking to add another one here in CTP Taipei

Adam Kharman, a poker pro from Australia also managed to squeeze himself into the top ten chip count. Kharman bagged 158,800 to end the day. The Aussie is having a decent run in so far with multiple cashes already, we might just see him lifting one of the new new era golden lion silhouette trophy.

Other well-known players who also bagged day two are Natural8 ambassador Phachara Wongwichit (120,700), previous APT Main Event winner Jacque Ramsden (123,800), APT Superstar Challenge runner-up Hon Cheong Lee (86,900) and Canadian pro Ian Modder (101,300).

APTTaipei2023_Event16_APT_MainEvent_FlightA_032.jpg APT Special Advisor Victor Chong and Marketing Director Ray Chiu celebrate APT success in Taipei

APT Special Advisor Victor Chong and APT Marketing Director Ray Chiu definitely have something to smile about, with the Main Event shattering all previous records and generating the largest prize pool in the Asian Poker Tour's fifteen-year history.

Combined with the 251 Flight C runners, the field currently stands at 1,199 entries; 194 online qualifiers from Natural8, 437 Flight A entries, 317 Flight B entries – which is an all-time APT record.

Flight D has yet to play out – follow the live coverage HERE – but currently the prize pool stands at a sizeable TWD $52,336,350 (~USD $1,704,700), smashing the the initial TWD $30,000,000 guarantee.

With registration remaining open until cards are in the air for Day 2 at 12pm on Thursday, May 4 there is still time to take part in this momentous event and play your way into APT history... What are you waiting for? Get yourself on a plane to Taiwan right now!

This live report is bought to you by lifeofpoker.com.

Level 10: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Final Two Hands of the Day Lethal For Seok

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Joris

We are down to the final two hands at table 16 when we picked up the action on the turn between Jaemoon Seok from middle position versus Ikeda Fumitaka from the button.

Seok lead a 6,000 bet into a 14,000 pot on a board of 2♠ T♦ K♣ 6♥ A♥, Fumitaka called. The river was the A♥ and again Seok fired, now 14,000. The Korean is really invested in this pot now as he only has 25,500 behind.

Fumitaka took his time before he made a decision. To Seok's disgust he jammed all-in for little of 40,000. Seok got frustrated and quickly mucked his cards.

While the Japanese grabbed the pot Adam Kharman asked the Japanese to "show the bluff.", Fumitaka responded by opening K♠ Q♥ for second pair. A gutsy move by Fumitaka. Kharman responded: "This guy is crazy". Fumitaka chuckled.

The next hand would be the last on table 18. Jaemoon Seok from UTG now jammed his last 25,500 into the middle and the action got folded all the way to the table chip leader in the big blind, Hogeun Kim. The Koreans decided to battle and this was the showdown:

Seok 8♠ 8♣.

Kim: A♣ 7♣.

The board ran out Q♥ J♥ A♠ 2♥ 2♣. A three outer ended the tournament life of Jaemoon Seok on the last hand of Day 1C.

NameChip Count
Hogeun Kim191,000
Adam Kharman128,000
Ikeda Fumitaka96,000
Jaemoon Seok25,500
Level 10: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Final Four Hands

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

The tournament director has paused the clock with fifteen minutes remaining and announced that there will be four more hands played before players bag up their chips for Day 2.

Level 10: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

A Heavy Knockout

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kwun

Kirishima Akinobu just received a heavy knockout in the hands of Raymond Chou.

Chou opened under the gun and Akinobu, who was already in bad shape, went all in, Chou accepted his challenge and called.

Chou: Q♣ Q♠

Akinobu: A♦ K♠

The two fighters came in to the fight evenly matched, then the referee put out 7♥ 2♠ Q♦ T♣ Q♥ in the ring and Chou claimed victory in style after landing quads in the last round.

NameChip Count
Raymond Chou55,000
Kirishima AkinobuBusted
Level 10: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Last Level of the Day

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kwun

Players are on the the last level of the day entering 600/1,200 BBA.

Flight D of the APT Main Event will start soon after at 6:00pm. A 151 players remaining in this flight.

Level 9: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

3-Way Action Comes To An All-in Climax

PostedJust nowby 9

We picked up the action on table 15 with a preflop UTG+1 all-in from the short stacked Shoichi Nakashima. The Japanese went all-in for his last 1,800 (1,5bb). From the hijack Su Lung Yeh isolated with a raise to 4,500. This wasn't to the liking of Chin An Hsu that pumped up the action to 11,000.

Yeh called and we go heads-up to a flop of 4♦ J♥ K♦. Yeh checked his option and Hsu made it 8,000, Yeh quickly called.

On the 3♣ the action was repeated again. Yeh checked, Hsu now fired 18,000 and Yeh made the fast call.

The A♥ made Yeh check for a third time and now Yeh jammed all-in for his last 24,600. Yeh talked a bit to the dealer and complained a bit about the board run-out. In the end Yeh called and he opened A♦ T♦. He didn't beat Hsu however as he played top two-pairs A♣ K♣. Shorty Nakashima busted holding 9♣ 8♥.

NameChip Count
Chin An Hsu110,600
Su Lung Yeh43,000
Shoichi Nakashima0
Level 10: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Hockin Scores a Late KO

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

With the flop reading J♦ 6♦ 6♠ Masaomi had called of the rest of his stack when New Zealand's Paul Hockin had shoved.

Masaomi J♣ 3♣ Hockin Q♦ T♦

The Japanese player had flopped top pair but needed to fade a lot of outs as Hockin was in search of a queen or a diamond.

A turn :Ac gave Hockin a gutshot to broadway and the 4♦ river completed his flush as he picked up a pot late on and sent Masaomi to the rail in the last level of play.

Hockin took down the APT Main Event in Cebu nine years ago for over $70,000 and boasts over $600,000 in career tournament earnings.

Level 9: Blinds 600-1200, 1200 ante

Jinno Rivers the Flush in a Big Pot

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kai

On a flop of 3♥ 5♣ T♦ the action had been checked to Tun Hui Hsu who bet 6,500 into two opponents. Motoki Jinno and Zhan Shuo Guo made the call and all three players saw a turn card.

When the 6♥ peeled off on the turn Guo and Hsu both checked prompting Jinno to fire 20,000. Guo laid his hand down but Tsu responded by shipping all in. It wasn't much more for Jinno to call so he put in the additional chips and both players tabled their hands.

Tsu A♣ T♠ Jinno 4♥ 5♥

Tsu had top pair-top kicker but Jinno had a mountain of outs with his flush draw, straight draw, and pair outs.

The river would bring one of those outs when the dealer turned over the A♥ giving Jinno his flush. The Japanese player punches the air while letting out a cry of delight as he gets pushed the pot.

With that hand, Jinno is up to 160,000 and is one of the Flight C chip leaders.

Level 8: Blinds 500-1000, 1000 ante

A Day at The Track

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kwun


Tun Hui Hsu went to the race track and came back breaking even.

First, he lost as an underdog holding A♣ Q♣ against the short-stacked Zhan Shuo Guo holding A♦ K♥. A few hands later he moved in on Motoki Jinna who raised under the gun, Jinna called. Hui found himself facing A♠ K♥ again but this time on an even ground with his T♣ T♠. Board ran 4♥ 3♥ 8♥ 3♠ Q♦ and Hui came first in this race.

NameChip Count
Tun Hui Hsu50,000
Motoki Jinna90,000
Zhan Shuo Guo36,000
Level 8: Blinds 500-1000, 1000 ante

Launch Failed

PostedJust nowby Life of Poker - Kwun

The pocket rockets of Jingrong Ng has been shot down from the sky by Tomonari Nomura from Japan.

Both players were short-stacked when they found themselves all in pre-flop, Ng had the A♥ A♠ and Nomura had K♥ 6♥. Ng hit a set on a A♦ 4♦ T♥ flop, launching his rockets way above the Japanese. But with the help of the dealer, Nomura shot the rockets down with a 8♥ on the turn and Q♥ on the river giving him a flush.

Ng was left with just 1,300 after this bad beat and busted soon after, while Tomonari still short-stacked sitting on 22,000.
